GTANreads is a structured professional book discussion lead by educators, for educators, with the intent of connecting and collaborating past subject areas and national borders.
Why GTANreads?
GTANreads provides the opportunity for educators around the world to collaborate with one another on the topic of education.
Who Can Participate?
GTANreads are designed for educators that opt-in to GTAN Community. Participants acquire the book, download the app to connect with the other participants and work their way through a calendar of events that include weekly questions, periodic chats, and a culminating live session with the author.

How Do I Sign Up?
By registering for GTAN Community, you are automatically eligible to be part of the event for this upcoming year! Simply click the button below to get started.
If you have a Penn State email, you can access the book online through our library system! Simply follow this LINK to unlock your journey!
2024 Book

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