Welcome To GTANjr!
GTANjr is designed specifically with the goal of supporting educators in teaching global concepts with their learners. This program features online learning modules that can be integrated into lessons, digital badging opportunities, and potential grant funding for a local global learning project.
We encourage you to explore these modules, participate in badging opportunities with your students, and join other educators in the GTANjr conversation on Mighty Networks!
An Overview of GTANjr
The GTANjr Adventure Guide!
Module 1: What is Food Security?

Upon completion of this module, the learner will be able to:
- Describe the difference between hunger and food insecurity
- Define the four pillars of food security
- Describe similarities of food insecurity across the globe and in local communities
- Identify at least two food security challenges in their local community
Module 2: What is Global Competency?

Upon completion of this module, the learner will be able to:
- Define global competency
- Describe the four domains of global competence according to Asia Society
- Identify at least two actions they can take to grow their own personal global competency without leaving their local community
- Create at least two ideas for actions their organization can take to expand global competency in their local community
Module 3: What are the UN Sustainable Development Goals?

Upon completion of this module, the learner will be able to:
- Describe the 17 U.N. Sustainable Development Goals
- Identify their three favorite Sustainable Development Goals
- Identify at least three possible solutions for problems faced relating to their favorite Sustainable Development Goal
Module 4: Life Below Water

1. Define the term “Life Below Water”.
2. Describe at least three ways that human life is affected by Life Below Water
3. Identify at least three negative impacts that humans and climate change have had on Life Below Water.
4. Identify practices that lead to sustainable fishing, fisheries, and hatcheries.
5. Apply ideas of sustainability to real life fishing scenarios.
6. Identify at least two actions to take right now to have a positive impact on Life Below Water.
Module 5: Partnerships for Peace

Upon completion of this module, the learner will be able to:
- Describe Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
- Identify at least three ways conflict impacts agriculture and food security
- Define the ASCOPE/PMESII tools for evaluating conflict areas
- Apply ASCOPE/PMESII tools to a Sudan case study
- Identify the role partnerships and service-oriented organizations can have in ending conflict
Module 6: Water Quality & Management

Upon completion of the lesson, the learner will be able to:
- Describe why it is imported to measure water quality and list at least 5 different measurements that can be done to define the quality of a water source.
- Identify the difference between point-source and non-point-source pollution and list at least 5 different pollutants that can compromise the quality of a water source.
- Identify 3 common water sources, Identify 3 ways to conserve freshwater, and describe the process of sanitizing wastewater.
- Identify 3 different ways of applying irrigation water for agriculture and discuss 2 ways to select plants based on genetic advantages to combat climate change challenges.
Module 7: Reaching Out

1. Define the terms networking, advocacy, and informational interview.
2. Describe at least three benefits and strategies for effective networking.
3. Describe at least two ways to break through cultural barriers for effective communication.
4. Identify at least three strategies to have an effective interview.
5. Apply effective interviewing skills through an informational interview relating to their favorite Sustainable Development Goal.
6. Create a media project to highlight issues/action items relating to their favorite Sustainable Development Goal.
Badging Resources
All of GTANjr Badging Assessments are embedded Google Forms in their respective GTANjr modules. A score of 80% or higher is required for a student to earn a badge. Unlimited attempts are allowed, but a student must wait until they have learned of the result of their previous attempt before attempting again.